MedClinics is an internet platform that is a broker of offers made by medical service providers. In no way does MedClinics guarantee or assume liability for the offers of the medical service providers, the services contained therein, the provision of these services or their quality.

No contract is formed between MedClinics and the customerthe legal relationship is solely between the customer and the medical service provider.

Information provided by MedClinics, including but not limited to information provided by medical providers and other third parties, as well as any information provided to the customer by telephone, electronically, email or through other information channels prior to, during or after the purchase of any of the goods and/or services, can in no way be considered proper medical advice or medical examination, is in no way a substitute for detailed examination and consultation with a physician, and cannot serve as the sole basis for deciding whether or not to seek, continue or discontinue medical treatment.

MedClinics is not responsible or liable for any treatment, surgery or other service rendered by the medical provider, nor is MedClinics liable or responsible for any malpractice claims that may arise directly or indirectly, presently or in the future, from medical provider advice, applications, surgeries or other services rendered.

By visiting our site and filling out this form, the customer automatically and expressly accepts and declares that s/he has been informed about the disclaimer prior to the conclusion of the contract or purchase of any goods and/or services offered in the online store of MedClinics, that s/he agrees to accept the disclaimer and that s/he cannot make any claims in this regard against MedClinics, either present or future, and that s/he is aware of, understands and accepts the contractual relationship.

Claims for damages, claims for compensation, recourse, compensation for pain and suffering or other actions and claims arising from the contractual relationship with the medical service provider can only be directed against the medical service provider. MedClinics is excluded from any liability by this disclaimer.

Contact us now in case you have any questions!